Chilling in Her Backyard: An Exclusive Look at Jennifer Aniston’s Relaxing Oasis – LA Insider

In her backyard, Jennifer Aniston is chilling and relaxing. We paid her a visit for an exclusive photo shoot while maintaining social distancing protocols.

Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston, who received an Emmy nomination for her role in “The Morning Show,” learned some modeling tricks from her furry friend, Clyde, during a playful backyard photoshoot at her Los Angeles home. While Times photographer Jay L. Clendenin captured some lighthearted moments with the actress, Aniston revealed that her work on the dramatic Apple TV+ series was more like therapy than a leisurely stroll. Despite her past success on “Friends,” the show took the actress to some emotionally challenging places. Take a look at this collection of photos from the shoot.

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston

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Actress Jennifer Aniston

In October 2007, Jay L. Clendenin became a staff photographer for the Los Angeles Times. He specializes in capturing portraits within the entertainment industry and has made it his primary focus.

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